October 9

7 tips to CREATE & OPTIMIZE your YouTube Channel!


A YouTube channel can be one of the greatest assets your business or your personal brand can have in the online world, since it can drive tons of FREE TRAFFIC to your website and social media platforms.

Since YouTube is the second most visited search engine in the world, just behind Google (owner of YouTube). Having a well-designed Youtube Channel and posting relevant high quality content in a consistent way can help your company rank at the top positions on the search engines.

This is important because it will help generate free traffic to your company’s website and more importantly, that traffic can be transformed into warm leads and in the long-term into sales.


When creating a YouTube channel or if you have already have one, there a couple things you can do that are essential, at the moment of getting more visibility and therefore more visits to your Channel.

Apart from creating high quality content, if you really want to make your YouTube channel stand out you have to optimize it, so that Google, the other search engine and all the people who can come to visit your channel for the first time know instantly what your channel is about.

Below I am going to leave you 7 practical tips to take into account when creating a YouTube channel and that will work as a solid base when thinking about all the future content that you will be posting. For these examples I will use images from the YouTube channels of Nike and Ikea USA.

1.- Nombre del Canal:

The name of your channel is something extremelly important! I would even say that it is fundament to your success in this platform, since it will be the first thing people will see and associate with your brand when looking at your videos or seeing it for the first time.

When picking the name of the channel, it is key to think about the topics and industry (niche) you will be going to talk about in it. If it is the channel of a business, you must put the name of your business as the name of the channel and if it is a personal brand channel, it must bear your name.

You can use the YouTube keyword tool to get ideas about what topics you can talk about or document on your channel.

 2.- Channel Icon

Your channel icon is another fundamental part of your channel. In this section you are going to put the logo of your channel or business (something representative). The optimal size for this image is 800×800 pixels.


3.- Cover Image

You also have to upload a cover image. This background image has to be related to what you or your company do and the topics or products you are going to talk about, etc.

A particularity of the background image is that it can change depending on the season of the year, a novelty or promotion that may interest anyone who sees your channel.

The dimensions for the cover image or “channel art “are 2120x1192px.

 4.-Add your web & social media links:

Something key and I see that many channels do not do, is adding the links of their social media networks and website to their channel banner.

This is something fundamental since if someone likes your content, they will want to visit your website or social networks to know more about you and what you do.

You can add all your links in the more info section.


5.- Create a Featured video or video Trailer:

When someone visits your channel for the first time, it is important for you to welcome that visitor so that he or she can know more about you. In this section you can make a brief introduction of what you or your company do and what people can find there.

This is going to be the first video people see when they enter your channel. You can continously update it.


6.- Youtube Channel Description

In your channel description include everything that you consider important about your channel or business and also include some keywords which will help you in search engines.

In this section you can write something very similar to the “We” or “About Us” section of your website.


7.- Create playlists for your YouTube channel

Finally, I advise you to create playlists depending on the content you are going to create on your channel.

For example, if it is a sports channel you can make playlists for each sport or if it is a travel channel create playlists by regions or countries, etc.

With this your channel will be easy to follow and people who are looking for some type of content within your channel will be able to fin it without any problem.


The most important thing when creating a YouTube channel is to constantly create and publish quality content in a CONSISTENT WAY on the topic or topics that most appeal to you and your audience.

If you do this and also your channel has a good design I am sure that you will succeed and you will be able to reach tons of people, teach them something and generate an impact with your channel.



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